Couple learns Denny’s waitress walks 14 miles a day for work, so she decides to help

We frequently overlook the power of a random act of kindness in a world plagued by cynicism and inwardness. These instances demonstrate that, as humans, it is…

Flashback to 1967: When American Bandstand Set Dance Floors on Fire

In 1967, ‘American Bandstand’ had a dance competition involving couples. The semi-finalists were paired up on the dancefloor as legendary host Dick Clark asked his announcer to…

Target’s Massive $9 Billion Plunge After Boycotts Over LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids Clothing

Since the emergence of fervent social media calls for a boycott of Target’s “PRIDE” collection, the retailer has faced a significant setback. In just one week, Target…

A Man Forced His Wife To Choose Between Her Dogs And Him, And She Stayed With The Dogs

As pet owners, our furbabies are number one – always. No questions about it. Liz Haslam met her husband Mike when she was only 16. She quickly…

Your Grandkids Will Probably Think These Are Old Coins! But I Bet You Don’t

Gadget Advancement Technological advancements happen so fast that it is nearly impossible for us to keep up with them. Those advancements change our lives, both in a…

Masked Teen Attempts To Rob 67-Year-Old Man In Woods, Pays The Price

When a teen saw a 67-year-old man walking alone in the woods, he likely thought that he had found an easy target. After donning a mask, he…

Prisoner Who Was Brought Back To Life Claims His Life Sentence Is Now Over

When a criminal is sentenced to prison for the rest of his life, should he be allowed to walk free if he dies and then comes back…

Woman Wins $350 Million Dollar Powerball, Decides To Share New Wealth With Veterans Who Need It

Most of us have a list ready with the things we would do if we ever win a Powerball lottery. But one recent winner in Iowa surprised…

Everyone Was There For The Dog Show, But This Cowboy’s Performance Is What We’ll All Remember

Have you ever been to a dog show? I haven’t. It’s not because I don’t love dogs. I do. I just never had the opportunity to go….

Reality Television Star Dies At A Young Age

In recent months, there have been numerous reports of people dying suddenly and at very young ages. Now, a popular reality television star has joined the others…