Pilot finds himself in trouble, but his message for air traffic controller is hilarious
An air traffic control tower suddenly lost communication with a small twin engine aircraft. A moment later the tower landline rang and was answered by one of…

Airline forbids dad to board plane with baby so elderly woman says ‘You’re coming with me’
For most people, becoming a parent is one of the most incredible gifts life can bestow. Of course, it can also be a scary time, particularly if…

No one knows why 13 trucks are blocking the highway, when the truth is revealed, tears flow
Life becomes better when we hear stories about compassionate people who do good to others. Even though it seems like the empathy in people is somehow fading…

A Little Girl Keeps Showing Up Tired & Late For School So They Send A Cop To Investigate, Changing Her Life
In 2015, after a 10-year-old girl turned up at her elementary school late and exhausted on multiple occasions, her teacher and administrators grew concerned about her living…

Woman Started To Drive Past Homeless Man, Then Notices His Carboard Sign And She Slams On The Brakes
When most people see a panhandler standing in a parking lot holding a cardboard sign, they pass by without giving them a second glance. Chances are, the…

Little girl gets life-saving kidney operation thanks to her dad
When Karen Rodas and Paul Rybkin’s son Nathaniel was born he lived for just 36 hours. He was born with a rare condition called Polycystic Kidney Disease…

Preschooler tells mom he has a twin at school – she cries when she sees a photo of the two of them
It’s been so many years now that I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be a child. In fact, I’d actually love to know what goes on…

Boy Sings To Infant Brother And Says “Aren’t We All Different
The Dan + Shay and Justin Bieber song “10,000 Hours” has likely never been performed as tenderly as during this rendition by little 6-year-old Rayce from Arkansas….

Elderly man has an ‘a ccident in his pants’ at the store – this woman’s reaction is the best
It’s so easy to get caught up in our own busy world but this story not only restored my faith in human kindness but also reminds us…

Prayers needed for Rod Stewart
Sir Rod Stewart is a legendary British rock and pop legend. Having sold over 250 million records worldwide, he is among the best-selling music artists of all…