The actor is a star in the movie industry, and he won a Golden Globe for a project he starred in HBO. Before his works in TV, he never saw any of his performances before.

Thanks to his actress wife, he changed his mind. He explained how he liked spending time with his wife at the show they were both starring in, and attending to award evenings together.

“You know, when I started to see her film work, you know, she does one part, and then she does another part, and it’s like barely recognizable, and to me, that was what I had always envisioned being an actor was, to be able to put on these different hats and become different people.” He said about Meryl Streep, and how she inspired her.

The actor we are talking about is the famous, handsome actor, 65-year-old Kevin Bacon. As he once struggled with life, he is now enjoying his time with his wife.

In a recent interview with Kelly Clarkson, Bacon talked about how he was living in the past.

It was 1976 when Bacon moved to New York, from Philadelphia where he was raised. He visited New York with his sister in the past, as he explained.

When Bacon moved to New York, he first stayed with his sister, and when he found a place, he only had $150 for a month.

“What happened was, it was—I had figured that it was 150—I don’t know where I got the math on that, but that’s…what I had decided…So I went into this—I saw an ad on the back of The Village Voice, and it said, ‘Artists, actors, musicians, residents.’…It was basically a flophouse, really…”

He lived with a pianist in a rental office for four years, as he couldn’t afford an apartment. As he managed to become a successful actor, and changed his own life, he met and married with his wife of 35 years, Kyra Sedgwick.

They met in 1987, in the set of the movie, “Lemon Sky.” Bacon was struck with love as he saw Sedgwick, but for her, it was not the same.

After a little pursuing, their first date happened, and they had a great date where they enjoyed their romantic dinner, and laughed for hours. And as Sedgwick explained, she realized that Bacon was meant for her.

“We’ve always been each other’s biggest support and fans. A sense of humor is crucial. He is very freaking funny.” Sedgwick said.

They had two children together, which they are grown ups now. Travis and sosie, who are in their 30s.

Being a father was everything for Bacon, as he said, “When I go home, I try to raise my children with honesty and integrity and teach them to take care of the world and of each other…”

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