Mom Is Outraged That Her Daughter’s Nursery School Won’t Let Her Leave Until Everything Is Picked Up

One mother is furious that her daughter is expected to clean up after herself at nursery school. The American mother believes that her child should be exempt from the rules at the nursery school because she wants to be able to pick her daughter up whenever she feels like it – not when the preschool staff says it is okay for the little girl to leave the other children in the class behind.

The concerned mother, who is believed to be from the United States, shared her frustration on Reddit to explain why she thinks it is ridiculous that her two-year-old daughter is expected to clean up after herself like all the other children. The teacher expects the little girl to “finish cleaning up whatever she was playing with” before she leaves the preschool with her mother.

Recently, the mom was in a rush and took her daughter away from the school without helping her clean up after herself. This angered the little girl’s teacher, whose name was Sasha. The teacher expected the mom to help the child clean up after herself, just like every other kid in the class.

After mom rushed out of the nursery school with her two-year-old daughter, Sasha sent mom a text that said, “poor planning doesn’t mean she should break the rules.” Mom was hit with a “verbal warning” for not getting her daughter to clean up after herself at school like the other children.

Mom claimed that it was “ridiculous” that her daughter should have to clean up after herself before leaving the school. And people on Reddit were left divided as to whether mom was right or wrong for not helping her toddler clean up at school.

Mom wrote, “My 2-year-old daughter has been in home daycare for a few months now. The teacher, Sasha, is very nice. I am normally all for my daughter cleaning her own messes. However, I find when I arrived, Sasha expects my daughter to finish cleaning up whatever she was playing with. Which again would be fine, but it delays us getting out the door and heading home. Sometimes we have plans, etc.

“I started texting Sasha when I was so many minutes away, asking her to get my daughter ready, and that seemed to work. My daughter would be in her jacket and reading a book, easy to put away vs. a huge duplo project or similar.”

Mom added, “We had a lot to do this afternoon, and I was running behind because I had car trouble. When I arrived, my daughter and some friends were in the middle of cleaning up a big mess. I told my daughter that we had to go and to get her coat. Sasha said she needed to finish cleaning up her part. I said, any other day, sure, but I am running late, and we cannot miss this appointment. Sasha tried arguing that the kids need to learn responsibility, and I flat-out said no. I grabbed my daughter, put her coat on, and left.”

Mom claimed, “I pointed out this is not in the contract, and I can bring my child home whenever I need want. She accused me of undermining her authority. I was given “a verbal warning” which I found ridiculous.”

Do you think the child should clean up after playing?

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